Five Original Academy

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Welcome to the Five Original Academy, our training centre dedicated to our Five Pizza Original restaurant franchise concept. And, more broadly, to all subjects that contribute to the continuous improvement of the operational management of restaurants.

Our academy has received the "Qualiopi" quality certification for "Apprenticeship training actions".
Moreover, the DRAAF accreditation delivered by the Ministries of Health and Agriculture, allowed Five Original Academy to join the list of training organisations officially authorised to deliver the mandatory 14 hours training course "Hygiene and food safety specific to commercial catering establishments" delivering the status of "hygiene referent".

Find all the details of our training courses in our complete catalogue on Digiforma.

Or contact us by filling in the form below and we will be happy to help you.


Contact us

Five Original Academy :

35, rue Berthollet 94110 Arcueil